




                        (若有錯誤 請格友務必指教修正)


             (辣媽看英文 是霧裏看花 越看越花  霧煞煞啦 )


Some weeks ago I thought about how we can use coins in other


 non usual purpose than just to buy something or just store it in


superb album. And here goes the answer: we can make a wish!


 To make this we should just find a good tree and drive a coin


through the bark or into the wood:



使用硬幣買某事或存放它。 並且這裡是答復: 我們可以做願望!



 The local tradition of Scotland is that a wish will be granted for

 each of the coins so treated. But don't forget, only hawthorn can

 be used, it is traditionally linked with fertility, as in "May Blossom



 但是don' t忘記,只有可以使用山楂樹,它與生育力傳統上連接,


在" 5月Blossom"。

On Isle Maree in Loch Maree, Gairloch, in the Scottish Highlands


 is an oak Wish Tree made famous by a visit in 1877 by Queen


Victoria and its inclusion in her published diaries. The tree, and


others surrounding it, are festooned with hammered-in coins.


在小島Maree在海灣Maree, Gairloch,在1877年在蘇格蘭高地是


著名橡木願望的樹使成為由一次參觀由Queen ?維多利亞,並且它


的在她的包括出版了日誌。 圍攏它的樹和其他,做成花綵與錘擊



Another wish tree example is near the healing well of St. Maree,


 to which votive offerings were made. Records show that bulls were


sacrificed openly up until the 18th century. (Sharp, Mick (1997).


Holy Places of Celtic Britain. Blandford. ISBN 1-85079-315-8. P.





 紀錄表示,公牛公開被犧牲了直到18世?。 (Sharp,米克(1997)。


 凱爾特英國的圣地。 Blandford。 國際標準書號1-85079-315-8。


 P. 149。)

Near Mountrath (Maighean Ratha - 'the fort in the bog' is a small


town in Ireland, County Laois), is a shapeless old Wish Tree in the


form of a sycamore tree called St. Fintan's Well. The original well


 was filled in, but the water re-appeared in the centre of the tree.


Hundreds of Irish pennies have been beaten into the bark as good


luck offerings.

Mountrath (Maighean Ratha - '附近; 在bog'的堡壘; 是一個小村莊




形式Fintan' s井。 原物井填?了,但是水在樹的中心再現了。


?百愛爾蘭便士被打了入吠聲作為好?奉獻物。 許多酒家,例如在





Many public houses, such as the Punch Bowl in Askham, near Penrith in Cumbria, have

 old beams with splits in them into which coins are forced for luck.


 The High Force Waterfall (County Durham, England) has a coin

 only wish tree in the grounds of the 20m waterfall.




Coins hammered into a wish tree at High Force waterfall near


Middleton-in-Teesdale, Tees Valley, England, 54°39?1?N 2°11?15?




榖,英國, 54°39 ?1 ?N2°11 ?15 ?W)

Money Tree, Ingleton

金錢樹, Ingleton

Money Tree, Ingleton

金錢樹, Ingleton

Money Tree, Ingleton

金錢樹, Ingleton

Money Tree, Ingleton

金錢樹, Ingleton


A large tree with thousands of coins hammered into the bark for good luck


Money Tree, Ingleton

金錢樹, Ingleton



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